Selecting A Wedding Officiant
The ideal wedding officiant will be your expert on the entire ceremony procedure. He/she will be able to guide you or provide you with sample ceremonies and help adapt the ceremony to fit your specific needs.
He/she will be able to offer you suggestions on how to include step-parents, siblings and children in your wedding service. The ideal officiant will conduct your rehearsal and guide your entire wedding party through the actual ceremony from start to finish.
Finally, a good officiant will manage guest control and keep your ceremony running on time. With so much at stake, be sure to choose your officiant carefully and early.
Here are some key pointers to keep in mind when choosing your wedding officiant or minister:

Do you want a man or a woman to perform your ceremony?
Do you want a civil or a religious service?
Is the officiant available for the date and time you have selected?
Is the officiant willing to perform your ceremony at the wedding location of your choice?
What is the officiant's fee and what does that include? (i.e. are there extra charges for an office visit, rehearsal or travel?)
If possible, interview several officiants in person before making your selection.
Ask to see a copy of the ceremony the officiant will perform. (Both the bride and groom should review it to make sure it is what you want, i.e. verbiage, length, sacredness, etc.)
Is the officiant willing to modify the ceremony to include personally written vows, inclusion of children from a previous marriage, etc?
Does the officiant have any restrictions on interfaith marriages, divorced couples, or interracial couples?
Does the officiant have any restrictions for the wedding photographer or videographer?
Does the officiant require any form of pre-marriage counseling?
Is the officiant willing to work in cooperation with your wedding planner?
5 Critical Mistakes To Avoid Before Selecting Your Officiant

Selecting your officiant based only on price.
Selecting a friend or an associate as your officiant just because they also happen to be a Notary Public.
Not asking to see a printed copy of the officiant's ceremony ahead of time.
Assuming that the officiant you hire is the same officiant who will perform your ceremony.
Not approving the apparel your officiant will wear at your ceremony.